Compassionate Care & Support at the End of Life.

Welcome. I am Sarah Jane Coffey, an end-of-life, grief, and death doula and LPCC in Colorado providing non-medical end-of-life care and support in Boulder, CO. I am passionate about aiding the dying and their loved ones through the death and grief process.

What is a death doula?

A death doula is a non-medical care and support provider for the dying and their circle. They are engaged by the dying or their circle.

How is a death doula different from hospice?

If you or a loved one have been diagnosed with less than six months to live, it is my first suggestion that you select and engage a hospice team that resonates with you and your circle. Hospice offers holistic medical, spiritual, social, and practical support. Hospice is amazing.

Hospice and the care they offer do have limits (thanks, Medicare!). This is where engaging a death doula can be helpful. A doula is able to be a consistent, on-call presence through the preparation, active dying, passing, and bereavement process. As a doula, if you have a non-medical request, project, or need, I will work to fill it either myself or by finding the right person who can.

Recent Press on Death Doulas

‘Death Doulas’ Provide Aid at the End of Life

The New York Times June 2021

Embracing death: End-of-life doulas growing in popularity

The Denver Channel May 2021

Doulas Are Becoming Part Of The End-Of-Life Equation

NPR January 2020